Sketchup 2023 Won't Download

I get this error every time I try to install sketchup, or open a file.

I can give more info if you need it, but please help!


Perhaps you can try download and install the Offline “Windows installer” from:

Hi, thanks for helping.

So I tried that but it gave me the same error.

I can open the program, open recent files. But I cannot open a file that I have been working on the most.
So when I try to install I say “Uninstall Previous Versions” and it completes that, but when i get to the Install prompts, it brings up that error.
I have restarted my computer and researched it. But since I don’t exactly know the problem it’s hard to find the solution.

what version of windows are you using?

Version 10.0.22000 Build 22000


  • Restart your computer (to be sure no SketchUp is running)
  • Open the Windows Control panel, then start the Programs and Features (or Uninstall Program)
  • Locate the SketchUp there and uninstall.
  • When it is done restart computer again.
  • Now try to install SketchUp using the ofline installer in my previous post.

Ok, did that.

Closed Sketchup
Apps & Features > Sketchup > Uninstall

Unfortunately this error came up.


Try this Fix problems that block programs from being installed or removed

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Locate the above mentioned SketchUp installer file right clink on it and choose Run as administrator…

Same Error.

I was wondering, it says the file SketchUp 2023.msi is not found. How do I get that file?

Here’s a recording.

Sketchup Issues


Use this troubleshooter

I use this utility, very handy for finding files:

I will suggest to support that they use that too.

Finally - Installed Through (No Errors)

I used this and deleted all files on my computer of sketchup, then I downloaded the installer, used it to uninstall any other files of sketchup, then installed and it worked!!! Thank you!

I searched for and manually removed all mentions of sketchup through the registry, and it worked for me.