Hi, I discovered a problem yesterday when trying to insert 2020 Skp into Layout; nothing happens. Nothing shows up in the Document Setup panel either.
All and any Skp files created in 2019 or earlier work fine and show up in the Documents Setup list. Pdf’s, jpgs and other images all insert fine and show up in the Documents Setup Panel. I have tested this on a clean Layout template and existing Layout files. All insert fine except anything drawn in Skp 2020. If I save a 2020 model down to 2019 and try to insert it, it works as normal.
Running Mojave 10.14.6 (18G4004). Is there a more practical workaround to this 2020 bug? Essentially Layout is not functional at present. Using Sketchup Pro, Version 20.0.362
Just a thought: Are you trying to insert a SketchUp 2020 file while using Layout 2019?
Since major revisions to SketchUp (and Layout) install separately - and can be run side-by-side - it’s possible you are trying to load a 2020 file into a 2019 version - which never works!
I saw the same symptoms, and for me it was what sjdorst suggested, I still had 2019 LayOut open.
For the Dock, if you’re not usually going to be using 2019 at all, the quickest solution might be to drag all LayOut and SketchUp icons away from the Dock (while none of them are open), then go into Applications/SketchUp 2020/ and open both LayOut and SketchUp. While they are open, drag their icons along the Dock to your preferred position. That will have the side effect of keeping them in the Dock without having to go into the Dock Options menu.