Not sure exactly whats going on here, ever since upgrading to SketchUp 2020 I get a weird effect when orbiting. It happens randomly and I’m not sure what triggers it. I took a screen capture to show exactly what I’m seeing.
It’ll be orbiting, zooming and panning just fine, then randomly the orbit tool will do this weird zoom/orbit effect. It’s frustrating when you’re working in close for detail. Does anyone know what this function is, if and how I can disable it?
Do you mean the parts where you’re zooming in on lines with no faces? You’ll be zooming to infinity. You could put a temporary face under your drawing to stop this, to give the zoom something close to aim at.
Pay attention to what the mouse cursor is on when you zoom.
It depends on what the cursor is on when you click to orbit. In the bit where things go weird, the cursor was on empty space in the background so the center of orbiting is way out beyond the model geometry.
I am not sure whether this is the same problem, because my surfaces seem to be beaming in and out like when Scotty has problems with the transporter room equipment
You’ll get there.
Try not to work in Parallel Projection unless you are lining things up, it’s really only meant for displaying elevations and such.
Shift z is the keyboard shortcut for Zoom Extents, so it zoomed in to frame the whole model on your screen.
If the model had zoomed out or disappeared when you did shift z it would me there was something at a distance from the origin, so it was zooming out to show it.