Sketchup 2016 transfer to new pc?

Hi, my laptop has recently died although I still have access to the harddrive via a USB cable. Is it possible to transfer the software and license over to my new computer? I appreciate 2016 is probably old hat but it does what I need it to for the moment.

Many thanks

Software yes. license activation lost (-1)
Maybe you still have activations left, check your mail for ‘sketchup’ or ‘license’ and add it.

Your profile says you are using Make 2016, that doesn’t need a license. For the installer, I know we took down the ones on, but someone else here should be able to help get you the installer.

If it’s a new PC, and you were using the Make version of 2016, you could just go and get the SketchUp Make 2017 from here:


Many thanks, Ive found my licence number, is there a link to download the 2016 software anywhere? many thanks

Thank you although my licence is not working. I know I have only used it once on my old laptop. Is that all you get?

actually I think the licence is for sketchup pro 2015

The page @dezmo gave you a link to has 2015 as well.

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many thanks. neither seem to work although I do have the serial number and authorization code. Perhaps I would be better to use a transfer service from my old hard drive

With what does the retrieved serial number starts?
What is the message?

Serial number starts with QA. It just comes up error in both sketchup versions

QA is for version 2015. but you have activated the 2016 version, so that version is the ‘active’ one.

The error in version 2016 is because it’s not the right license info, the error in version 2015 is because that version is upgraded when you entered the license info in version 2016. It deactivates the older and the older version can only be activated on machines where it was once installed…

Do another search in the mailbox with the full serial number and replace the ‘Q’ for an ‘R’

that should pop up the 2016 license info ( All licenses have different authorisation codes)

many thanks, I think they may have upgraded me to 2016 as I purchased 2015 quite late in the year. I don’t think I got a licence for 2016. Can I perhaps uninstall 2016 and try the licence code again in 2015?

I’ve managed to sort with the help of someone else. Many thanks for all your help.

Can we also ask that “someone” for help? :smiley:
Remember to remove the license if you’r planning to switch machines again, de-installing doesn’t take care of the license automatically!

It was from an authorised seller here in the UK. It seems the company I originally purchased it from are no longer around and I was pointed to this company from the SketchUp main website. I am hoping to transfer my hard drive to a replacement laptop so am going to run it on my desktop and laptop hopefully, reading through the terms of my original licence this seems ok.