SketchupPro forces me to sign in multiple times in a day. I’ve repaired the install (23 version) but it still happens. If I’m working between Layout and Sketchup and leave it for 10-15 minutes it’ll stop allowing me to open new files without re signing in. When this first happened I googled the problem read about repairing the software and hoped that would fix the problem. When it didn’t I re-installed the software but its still happening. Very frustrating indeed. Any ideas?
Are you still using Windows 8.1 like your profile says you are?
When you repaired the installation did you first right click on the installer and choose Run as administrator?
Please complete/update your forum profile.
My profile is incorrect DaveR I’ll be sure to update it quick sharp.
I may have not done so as admin, I’ll endevour to do this also and get back to you pronto.
Many thanks for your efforts.
The right click-Run as administrator thing makes Windows grant required permissions to be able to write files such as the one that records you have signed in. You should only need to sign in with your subscription credentials once every 28 days.
Thanks for updating your profile. When it’s correct that info helps us help you.
Windows won’t allow me to change the software as an Administrator. Right clicking on the installer doesn’t give me any options, it doesn’t work.
It’s 9:21am and I’ve signed in twice to sketchup so far. Ive uninstalled the software after being unable to repair as admin. Still happening on the new install. Very frustrating. Any ideas on a fix?
Just to be clear on this, you need to find (probably in your downloads folder) or download a new copy of the installer .exe (not a bad idea to download new to make sure you have the most recent)
then select this .exe and once selected right click on it and you should get several options, one of which is run as administrator.
If you are not getting this then there is some other issue going on. Showing us a screenshot of the folder with the downloaded .exe might give us a clue.
Will do, however when I go to the original exe download in my download folder it doesn’t give me a repair option as it says I have a more up to date version which was installed as an update. There doesn’t seem to be any exe file for the updated 23 install.
I don’t think these screen shots will help. Re installing the software doesn’t seem to fix the issue either.
You want this file
You will find it here.
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