I have a 2D model in sketchup that I would like to send to layout so that I can print it on a sheet of paper. When I click send to layout and choose a template, the corners of the model are being cut off. I have tried nearly every template, and outer parts are still being cut off.
I read through a number of forums before posting my own, and I saw mentions and screenshots of “viewport” but I cannot find the setting where I can adjust viewport. I am using a Mac if that is helpful…
nope. that just makes the image bigger. I have the same problem. I have a view in Sketchup, that shows everything i want to see. its saved in this way. I send it to layout and the edges are cut off. i can expand the view port and ll it does is make the entire image bigger, which is fine, but i still have edges cut off.
Nope. It doesn’t have to make the image bigger. You just have to do it correctly. Use the side handles to make the viewport wider. Or turn on Preserve Scale on Resize in the SketchUp Model panel. Or, if you are working with an elevation or plan view in Parallel Projection, set the scale first. That will automatically enable Preserve Scale on Resize.
This is without Preserve Scale enabled.
You could also set the SketchUp model window’s aspect ratio to match that of the paper you’ll use in LayOut. Then if the entire model is shown in SketchUp, it’ll be shown in LayOut.
I just ran acrosss this thread. I am unable to find the option for “Resize Viewport” shown in your screen shot. You say above it: You could also set the SketchUp model window’s aspect ratio to match that of the paper you’ll use in LayOut. Then if the entire model is shown in SketchUp, it’ll be shown in LayOut.
I have searched in both SU and LO to find this setting with no luck.
I typically use either 8.5"x11" or 11"x17" paper size for my Layout templates. Before I capture a scene in SketchUp I try to select the model items first, then do a zoom extents to insure the scene will capture the full size of the model items of interest.
Sorry. Resize Viewport is an extension from Christina Eneroth. It’s available in the Extension Warehouse. It’s a Windows only thing, though. You can manually resize the SketchUp model space by dragging the edges of the window. Draw a rectangle on the ground plane that matches the dimensions of your paper and use it as a guide to resizing the window.
Thanks so much Dave. I may try the manual rectangle approach you show. Although for furniture, it seems I would need quite a few of these rectangles for various scenes.
As you noted, manually re-sizing the SU model space works and I’ll continue to do that.
On occasion , I get lost in viewport space. However, I read several of your contributions to threads on resizing viewports. They were a tremendous help in understanding resizing and check/uncheck preserve scale on resize and resizing when a scene is perspective vs ortho.
Why? If all you’re concerned with is preventing the sides of the viewport from being cropped in LO, you only need to set the SketchUp model window’s aspect ratio to match the aspect ratio of the paper once. If you only use one paper size, you should only need to resize the SketchUp window once and leave it.
Frankly I just leave my model window as large as it’ll go on the screen. The first viewport in LayOut might be cropped (depends on the model and the LO template I’m using) but it’s trivial to adjust the size of it and I often adjust the size much more than just eliminating the cropping. And it’s only the first viewport that might get cropped anyway.
On first read, and without the benefit of trying on my own, I thought the resizing was needed multiple times. Thanks for clarifying. I will give this a go.