Shp Importer Not Importing Anything

I’m trying to get the shape files for a single block out of a larger data set

Larger data set:

Image of Area I want:

Google Earth Link to Area I Want:


I’ve done this before using the shp importer that @jimhami42 built, but for some reason I can’t get it to work this time. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

Here are my import settings:

It seems to complete the task pretty fast, but then it seems like there’s nothing imported. If I click zoom extents it just moves forward a little bit. The model info box suggests nothing was actually imported as well

Is there something obvious here that I’m doing wrong?

Maybe my problem was that I wasn’t manually adding a building height? I tried putting in 10.0 and it was able to generate the structure footprints all at 10’ height, but since there’s height data (median_hgt) for each of the polygons, should this have already been generated from the database feature?

The units are interpreted as inches. Your range of -83.200905 to -83.220619 is quite small. Try repeating the import with the scale set to something like 10,000 or so and see if that makes a difference.