Sharing Files with SketchUp Free

Hi there,

I’m quite new to sketch up and only using it for modeling stuff for our home, so basicly, at our place I’m the creative mind, so I’m in charge with modeling everything (but do have 2 left hands regarding building ^^)
My brother is the creator when it comes to wood work … so is there a way I can save my files with a free account, and send those to my brother, so he could watch them with his free account or do I have to share my account so my brother can actually use my files for the actuall work.

This should in theory be very easy to with Trimble Connect do but I can’t figure out how.

Anyhow, you can also share the model via 3D Warehouse or download and email the SKP file.

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thanks for the awnser I will try it as soon as I’m done with the sketch … and done some learing about the tool itself xD

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