Selection Tool process is slow, unbearably slow

with SketchUp Pro 2018 a workaround for testing purposes is available.

In connection with a SketchUp Pro 2018 default program installation issue the following command at the Windows 10 command line (“Windows Search: CMD”):

"C:\Program Files\SketchUp\SketchUp 2018\jsonpatcheditor.exe" Preferences WorkaroundDrawXorRectUseGLFlushNotFlushDraw b true

If installed to a different program directory adjust the path accordingly.

Close SU before patching resp. restart for taking the setting into effect.

Reference (see section “Miscellaneous”)

For removing the setting use:

"C:\Program Files\SketchUp\SketchUp 2018\jsonpatcheditor.exe" Preferences WorkaroundDrawXorRectUseGLFlushNotFlushDraw r

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