I am having trouble cutting sections through a house model I created. Views and scenes work fine, but when I cut a section, it turns off the the framing system throughout the entire structure. When I turn the section off, the framing system reappears. The framing system is grouped and tagged, but I can’t find a scenario where the layer (tag) turns off. When I select the ‘section cut’ option in the Styles, it also turns off the entire framing system in the model. Could there be a setting or formatting option that controls this type of thing? Any help wold be greatly appreciated.
I see what you are talking about. You have two active section planes in the last two scenes (I haven’t looked at the other scenes, yet.) The horizontal section plane is inside the Framing group and place about the level of the bottom plates. If you don’t want the studs to disappear either open the group and delete the section plane or at least make it inactive for the scenes.
I believe it does it on all of them, but I’m just realizing I called all of them “1.” Doesn’t help much here. The kicker for me it is when I select the “Display Section Cuts” button, it turns off the framing. When I de-select the “Display Section Cuts,” it turns it back on.
By the way, one of the bad habits from your CAD experience is showing. In SketchUp all edges and faces should be untagged (formerly left with Layer 0 assigned to them). I cleaned up your model with an extension to fix that.
Yes, it is a bad habit. I was planning on trying to find an extension for that. Thank you very much for that. I’ll work on doing a better job of that, but what is a good extension for it if I need it in the future?
You have to open the group for editing. Then you can right click on the section plane and deactivate it. After you do that, remember to right click on the scene tab and choose Update.