Hi, I’m trying to figure out the section cut but having some issues. One thing I noticed is that after I made the plan cut, there are lines at that height everywhere in the model and I don’t know how to hide them. The other is when I try to fill the section, the whole floor plan gets filled. I tried the troubleshooting feature in SketchUp but couldn’t resolve it. Please help!
You appear to have made a Group from Cut and you’ve given that group a tag called “Tag”. If you turn off the tag and update the scene it won’t be visible.
Thanks, I was able to select it now and hide! But I also tried creating a group from cut again without a tag since that’s what I initially did since I was curious and then couldn’t get it to hide. So question, should I be creating tags for these section cuts/groups or what’s the best way to go about that so I’m able to hide them?
Regardless of the “best way”, section planes will be shown in the Outliner even if hidden, so you can hide / unhide them from the tree by context-clicking them.
You don’t have to give them tags if you don’t want to. As I wrote, if you do you can control the visibility of the group from cut in LayOut if you want to show it in some views but not others. Your call, though.
There is a difference in the group slice from section cut and the section planes themselves (that do the cutting.)
Both will appear in the Outliner tree and can be hidden / unhidden via a context menu command.
However, context menu control is decentralized. You would be controlling their display individually.
Tags are used as a more centralized way of controlling display of “like” objects. If you have multiple section planes and multiple group slices, tagging them with a common tag allows you to switch them all off or on by switching that common tag off / on.