Section Cut problems in Layout

I am trying to create an architectural floor plan in layout and having problems with section fills. Some walls fill but most do not which is what I want. The help document says there is supposed to be an edit button on the Viewport Style Tab but my version does not have one. I am using the simple hiddenline style. Any suggestions to edit the style (or import a new one) so walls do not fill?

Typically when section fills aren’t created the problem is that there is an issue with the way the walls are drawn. Commonly there’s missing faces or other geometry problems. This is not something that can be modified in LayOut. You would need to fix it in SketchUp.

As for the Edit tab, that’s in the Styles panel in SketchUp, not in LayOut. If you don’t want any fills, turn it off in the Sections tool palette or edit the style in SketchUp. Remember to update the style after making the change.
Screenshot - 9_27_2022 , 8_24_42 PM

Thank you! That cleared it up. I fixed the style in sketchup and selected the updated style in layout.

If you set up the scene in SketchUp to use that style there will be no need to select the style in LayOut.