Section Cut Fill - is it possible to change colors for different material

Hello all
Is it possible to have different colors for Section cut fills for different materials, say concrete, brick wall, floor finish, etc ? There does not seem to be an option, from what I have seen. The fill color is the same for whatever material one cuts - same for concrete, brick wall, etc. If a possibility exists, I would really appreciate the help.
Thanks in advance

Currently you can only select one color for section fills. You could use TIG’s Section Cut Face, however, to add faces to section cuts that can have different colors or textures applied to them.

Thank you very much Dave. That clears my doubts.

This would be an awesome feature to have in Sketchup though! Maybe if we all make enough noise…

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In that case I’ll repeat my feature request:

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With TIG’s Section Cut Face, is it all manual work, is there some automation for selecting the colour of the material behind the section cut?

Take a look at Skalp…


Thank you GUY ! Shall look into it.

I was using Scalp for a while and it was working pretty gut. But after each SketchUp update, a have to buy “new” licence of Scalp. So I stopped using it.

It would be great to have a simple option added to Styles/Edit/Modelling Settings:

  1. Color Section Fill by Tag Color (darker)
  2. Color Section Fill by Component Color (darker)
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