Search Sketchup tool not functioning

New user to Sketchup GO for web. Running on a surface tablet with windows 10 and separate monitor. The tool option for Search Sketchup (Shift+/) is on the tool bar and when hover it highlights its function. I get no response when selected or popup box. As a new user it would be helpful to have it functioning. Thanks
Add - browser is Brave

What happens when you click on the search button? This is in Go on Chrome.

Like your depiction when I click on the search button it reacts just like yours except no widow pops up to enter. nothing

What happens if you use Chrome instead?

Restarted in Chrome and it looks like it is working. don’t care for all the intrusion from chrome buy will give it a try. thanks Dave

Some browsers seem to support SketchUp better than others. Good you got it working now. Keep watching for updates to Brave. Maybe it’ll work better after an update.

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