Screen tearing on main monitor

Hello! I have a strange issue. Whenever I plug in a second monitor, I experience severe screen tearing on my laptop’s monitor, but the external screen works perfectly without any tearing.

However, if I use only my laptop’s monitor, there’s absolutely no screen tearing.

I have downloaded all available drivers for my PC and ensured that I am running the latest version of SketchUp. This problem only started occurring last week.

I would greatly appreciate any possible solutions, as this issue is affecting my work.

Best regards,
Johannes Kyllergård

I’m no expert but it seems to be a GPU problem.
First thing I would do: Windows/ Preferences/ Graphics - I would change the check box from classic to new graphics or vice versa

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I have already tried all of that, but there’s no difference.

I’ve also made sure that SketchUp is running on my NVIDIA GPU, both from the Windows > Preferences > Graphics** page and through my Windows and NVIDIA settings.

Unfortunately, nothing seems to work.

I remember having a problem with the 2nd monitor because of the connecting cable (HDMI). Could this be the problem?

Hello! Sorry for my late reply.
I am running my second monitor through a docking station with no problem.
I am only experiencing the screen tearing problem on my laptop screen.
Best regards Johannes!