According to SketchUP User’s Guide (2006), the Properties to save/Hidden Geometry checkbox ON in the Scene dialog box is supposed to “Display HIDDEN GEOMETRY or ENTITIES that have been hidden using the Hide menu item or context command…”
Unless I’m missing something….this feature is broke !!
Simple experiment:
Create a CYLINDER AND BOX group.
Within this group create two sub-groups named BOX and CYLINDER.
In the Scenes dialog box turn ON all Properties to save and save the scene as CYLINDER AND BOX.
Enter the CYLINDER AND BOX group again. This time Hide the CYLINDER group with either the Hide menu or Hide context command.
Uncheck Hidden Geometry in the Scene dialog box
(NOTE: this should disable the display of the “hidden geometry or entities as stated in the SketchUP User’s Guide”).
Keep all the other Properties to save checked ON.
Save the scene as BOX-CYLINDER HIDDEN.
Switch SketchUP’s display between the CYLINDER AND BOX scene and BOX-CYLINDER HIDDEN scene. The hidden state of the groups does not change.
Hidden Geometry toggle in the Scenes dialog box does NOT HOLD the Hide Settings.
This should be corrected.
The Properties to save should SAVE THE HIDE SETTINGS if unchecked.
Parting Comment:
Actually, the whole Hidden Geometry setting is counter-intuitive.
Hidden Geometry works differently from all the other Properties to save … All the other properties SAVE the values of SketchUP’s current display settings. The Hidden Geometry (besides not saving the property with the scene) attempts to display what is NOT currently in SketchUP’s display … in other words, it displays what SketchUP is Hiding in the display rather than keeping the Hidden geometry or entities Hidden.
Since Hidden Properties doesn’t work anyway, perhaps Trimble would consider making this property “intuitive” and SAVE THE HIDDEN STATE. not displaying the Hidden state of geometry and entities in Scenes.