Scene creating and saving using section plane

Hi, I am having an issue where i create a scene and it save it, the scenes panel thumbnail is the correct view but when i click to view the scene its shows full front view of structure and not the section plane scene. So then all my scenes are the same front view. Please let me know what i should do to be able to save these section cuts as scenes.

Review your scene options. The option to save the view should not be selected. When you select it, update the view.
What SketchUp version are you using? There’s no 2018 free version

Thanks for the quick reply. I am not following, i sent the link, if you can take a look and let me know what i am doing wrong i would appreciate it

scene 4 and 5 are the same full front view, even though thumbnail looks fine

Make your changes again and rigth click in the scene name to update the view to save the changes. If you are asked to create a new style click yes.

Thanks for your help. I got it. The issue was that I was deleting the section plane after I took the screen snapshot, the section plane needs to stay in the model just hidden.