Still having strange issues. Sorry for constant bombarding the forum with questions (but I guess it’s made for that :P).
In my model some scaling handles are missing. I cannot scale group in Z axis. I made it a component, applied a dynamic component attribute: Z size to 100 cm instead of 3 but still I cannot scale it manually.
I downloaded Curic Behaviour which controls displaying scale grips but it’s set to “all” so it shouldn’t influence. I don’t know if this plugin could have messed with group’s scaling behaviour. The model I’m sharing comes from a bigger model in which other groups scale normally.
This one is somehow ill-formed. But SketchUp doesn’t ask to fix model when saving. I also opened this model in SU16 (made in SU17) where I don’t have Curic plugins - no changes.
Pcmoor, unfortunately not fixed.
Regardless I re-group or “re-component” it, the grips are still missing. Anyways, as I had multiple instances, it wouldn’t help me
Box, it happened even before I set component attributes.
The thing is very strange. I exploded it and made a feew smaller components. All of them scale properly. But if I select these two on the left and put them into a new group or compo, it still misses the Z scale handle.
I looks to me as if the issue may be that these objects have zero initial thickness? When that is the case, the scale tool doesn’t offer a grip for that direction because it makes no sense: quick, how thick is 5 times zero? However, there is a slight inconsistency since the scale tool normally will accept an absolute value rather than a multiplier if you specify the units. Perhaps the developers thought that to be an unnecessary special case since pushpull would achieve the same end.