Saving style, get error message

saving styles is not something I do often, but I rightclicked the style, selected “save as”, got the save dialog alright, but after clicking OK, I get the error message. It happens in all SU models. I´m om 2023.1

Any ideas?

I don’t know much about the Mac, but I would think that this is a permissions issue. You are trying to save the file to a folder where the system does not let you or SketchUp write files.

its into the styles folder that sketchup suggests, but the same happens for any location. I am admin on the computer. (and just assumes that I install as admin automatically from that)

Just had this same problem. It’s not a permission thing.
I have done a reinstall.
Any other suggestions?

at this point I would just wait for SU 2024 and see what happens :slight_smile:
So many strange things has happened to MacOS lately, I guess they have a major housecleaning going on, and breaking things left and right.

Not going well is it, and I don’t just mean SU. I am hoping things settle when I migrate to an M series iMac. Even though things are running on a more than capable intel powered Mac at my end, I get a sense of forced obsolescence may be at play.

I’m still having this issue - c’mon, this can’t carry on like this!

Has anyone found a fix?

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Where are you trying save the style to?

Hi Dave
Everywhere, anywhere… I started with the default folder, where I have previously saved other style collections… received the error message. Tried my desktop, same response. Tried onto a cloud server, same response…
It’s been a while since I set up new styles, so only hit this issue now (but would have assumed it was resolved).

Which default folder are you referring to? Is it the one shown in Preferences (Settings)>Files?

I doubt this has anything to do with the SketchUp version you are using. It sounds more like a permissions issue.

What method are you using when you try to save the style?

I also have issues savings styles. Sonoma, Intel Mac, SketchUp 22 and 24. Next week I’ll try to write the steps that cause the issue.

Not sure why I hadn’t seen this topic before.

I can save a style into Downloads from either 2023 or 2024. Do you have problems saving a style from the Simple templates, or only your own files? What macOS version are you using?

What method are you using when you attempt to save the style, Mike?

Hi Dave
Thanks for following up!
Into the Styles folder within the SketchUp app folder (I assume SketchUP ships with this, but it may be one I added back i 2021, or earlier, and just keep copying over ;-).
I’m on 2024 Pro, Mac Sonoma 14.4.1, M1 MacBook Air.
I have an Admin user profile, so I don’t think it’s a privileges issue (and I used to be able to save the styles).

Again, what method are you using when you try to save a style?

Hi Colin
See my details in my reply to Dave.
If I save into my Downloads folder, it results in an empty ‘Untitled’ folder.
I tried using my 2021 version of SU, but same issue.
Using the Simple Metric template, changing the default style and renaming, I get this trying to do a ‘Save as’ on the new style:

Hi Dave
It doesn’t matter whether I ‘Save collection as’, try to save a single style, ‘Create a new collection’… same result each time.

A .style file is basically a zip file. Is there anything in your system that might auto-unzip archives it finds?

Hi bmike
Thanks - that will be helpful, and at least I know I’m not alone (as in just a silly error on my part ;-).
I had set up new styles in a concept model for a new project, with the intention of exporting to LO, and was hoping to copy the styles across to the other three concept models I made.
So the work around is I am inserting the other three models (thankfully they are all fairly small) into the one file that has the new styles in it, and setting up new layers accordingly.
Just adding a little more pressure onto my deadline for Tuesday…

What happens if you drag the style’s thumbnail from the In Model styles to a collection folder?