Saving Layout to dwg/dxf

When I try to export from Layoput to dwg/dxf, the window just fades out (see screen shot attached

) and the only way I can do anything is to close down layout. However, in the meantime, it does actually create the dwg file in the folder that I have selected. Any ideas?

Are yoiu exporting to a folder on your computer or somewhere through a network or to a “cloud”?

I’ve tried both. Mostly to a folder on my computer. I’ve just tried it to my desktop and it is the same.

Your profile says you are using SketchUp 2023. What happens if you try SketchUp 2024? Or, is there a newer update to v.2023 than the one you are using?
What you can also try is to locate the SketchUp installer, right-click on it and select “Run as administrator” from the context menu, and press the Repair button when the dialog appears.