Saving file from 2018 to 2015 version

Help!!! Cant install 2018 verion on my desktop and I really need to open the file. Could anyone, please, save it for me in 2015 version

It will be more helpful for you if you will learn to open yourself those types of files. You have at least one option available:

This will work only for 2017, use Eneroth Open Newer Version plugin.

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Anyway, no one can help unless you actually upload the file or tell people where to find it.

Very useful. I really appreciate that.

Thanks mate for respond. I alreadymanaged to solve the issue.

That’s good. But in case you run into other difficulties and need help, this forum tries to encourage people to share files where possible. They are literally worth a thousand words when trying to demonstrate a problem. They also often reveal other unrealized problems and that can help make sure people don’t get into bad habits.


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