This plugin does not work anymore. I have this message : No license for product (-1).
see the pictures: you will understand! see the pictures: you will understand!
Moreover, unable to contact the SketchUp team: Page no found
That plugin used to be free and now is paid. Do you have valid license for it? If not, you could also try one of a number of alternatives such as: Extension | SketchUp Extension Warehouse
Good evening,
of course I paid (did you look at the pictures $ 10!?). If you are not convinced, another image where you see at the top right “install within Sketchup”. If you have not paid (bought a license) it is written purchase. But I can not contact the company Sketchup (it is on the Sketchup site that we pay).
Contact the extension developer directly as SketchUp only hosts the extension.
Exactly the same problem for me too.
I think I will stop updating my extensions like I have used to in the past since some developers do stuff like this.
I also have problems buying the “s4u Connect” from the same developer and when I contacted The SketchUp team they could not figure out the reason. I am forever stuck with an expired trial version that says “No license for product (-1)”. I have not had such issues with extensions from other developers.
Also after I updated the “ToolbarEditor” extension by Aerilius on my MAC it stopped working and he does not give any reply when contacting him.
There is no way to see warnings by other users in the Extension Warehouse anymore about such things.
Imagine being a plumber that all of a sudden does not have access to his tools because “the license” of his tools changes all the time.
I have the same issue, it seems related to having SketchUp Studio (the subscription version) of 2019. I’ve contacted the developer when it first happened to me but they were unable to fix the problem. I had to go through SketchUp’s support procedure which was arduous. After a few angry emails that I sent to them, they told me that it was an issue with the Studio version. They gave me a temporary 2019 Pro license and told me to activate the extensions through that. It fixed the issue until my HDD died on me and I had to reinstall SketchUp again. Now it’s happening again. I would’ve thought that SketchUp would’ve solved this bug but maybe they want to force us into purchasing the more expensive version?
What would that be? 2 Studio Subscriptions?
Bug fixes can take time, there was a maintenance release not long after the initial release, which is allready a lot more than the number of maintenance releases in version 2018, btw.
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