If I chose “Top” in menu “Views” I get an defined orientation of the view port. But many times I want to turn this 90 degrees (around blue axis) depending on layout. There are some extensions for making this rotation… But are this feature build in in SU2021?
By a mistake, during a meeting, I pressed a key combination (I can’t remember which one) and it turned the viewport 90 degrees exactly what I wanted to do… I have tried to google it and I have tried to search this forum for it but I can’t find it…
Is it a key combination for rotate viewport 90 degrees?
Not explicitly but if you rotate the model axes to align with the model, then right click on an axis line, you’ll find Align View. It’ll rotate the camera so that the solid green axis points up. TIG’s suggestion is nicer because it doesn’t require you to move the axes.