Resizing the view port - not the image

I am trying to resize the viewports around images (not models) but when I try it reduces the image. Since it is not a model, preserve scale is greyed out.
What is the trick to do this - I want the viewport boundary as close as possible - SU LO 2018

Thanks G

Are you talking about the viewport in LayOut? Select the viewport and in the SketchUp Model panel tick the box for Preserve Scale.

You may need to crop the image in an image editor to the proper size.

Or, you may use a clipping mask - but I don’t remember if that was available in 2018.

In LO 2018 working with a png, when I try to make the blue border of the viewport closer to the image it resizes the image. I have been cropping the PNG to get rid the un-needed white space, but that doesn’t solve the problem.

Then it’s not a viewport. You’ll need to crop it in an image editor outside of LayOut.

What is it if not a view port ?

Viewports are created from SketchUp models that are inserted into LayOut.

the inserted .png is just an image.

Open the image in an image editor and crop it to remove what you don’t want to see. Then insert it into LayOut.

Isn’t the blue viewport opening an image? How do I make the blue outline tighter to the image? Cropping isn’t making much of a difference.

There’s a blue bounding box around the image. The word ‘viewport’ applies to the views of a SketchUp model.

How are you doing the cropping?

Is there a reason you need to make the blue border closer?

Try saving as a JPG and then cropping the image in an image editor.

I open MS Paint, open the image, crop it with the crop tool and save it. Update the image in my plan. Having done that, there is still a border (bounding box) that I can’t move closer to the text - it seems to auto space away from the image.

You can use the .png. I cropped the image you shared in an image editor and saved it.

And here it is inserted into LayOut. The image you shared isn’t large enough to be useful but the idea is the same.

It’s a png which preserves more data

what image editor? I have both ms paint ( win 10 version)

Delete the original image, purge the LayOut file of unused stuff, and insert the image again.

I’ll try that.

Whatever image editor you want. I used