Hello ,
Im importing some PNG files in to Sketchup. Is there an easy way to cut out transparent background?
thnx, best regards, Jaka
Hello ,
Im importing some PNG files in to Sketchup. Is there an easy way to cut out transparent background?
thnx, best regards, Jaka
Have a look at Tigs SKM Tools
But be aware it does work with pixels so the edges can be stepped. Often smoother to cut the background out with geometry if it isn’t too complex.
Why do you need to “cut out” the transparent background? There might be another way to achieve what you want. For instance if you hide the outer edges of the image plane of a transparent png it appears to floors in space.
It’s often for shadow purposes, as the transparent part still castes a shadow making things look like blocks.
It’s very easy to do it with photoshop or Gimp, just click using the wand on the background then hit the delete key on your keyboard.
I need to cut it, to make 3D object.
hello, I’d be easier for everyone to show at least an image of what you are wanting to achieve, best being uploading a model
I know, how to make transparent background. I was asking if there is an easy way to cut out this transparency in sketchup, since transparancy is also a fill and it casts shadows. Im using 2-point arc tool now to trim it, but for complex objects it takes time…
I tried SKM tools, Image trimmer, but it doesnt work for me in SU2025
do you really need its own shadow ? because you can also tell sketchup that the whole rose image does not cast any
Maybe you can cut out seperate parts instead of cutting the whole rose? That way you will get the stem, leaves and flower separate, and can build up a 3d rose using those parts?
here is how to turn casted shadows off.
Also, if tig’s extension doesn’t work for you, you can still use freehand tools and have an acceptable result in a few secs. :
I know, the easy trick regarding shadows
My question was just if there is an easy way to trim transparency. Sometimes I get some PNG logos, which I have to make them in 3D with some depth, and it would be much easier if I had some trim tool to do it. For example, the same as photoshop magic wand.
There is probably a way in PS / Illustrator or Affinity Designer to auto trace the PNG, create an outline and export that to DWG or DXF, then in SKP scale your image to match, explode and intersect faces…
works perfectly with 2025, you just need to install java, Jaka : https://www.java.com/download/
see : (the tool takes quite some time to compute ~20 secs)
Thnx Paul
@ Fredo6 Pic2Shape looks amazing … just what i am looking for. When will it be published ?
Thank you for your offer to help, but I already did it manually and since it took so much time I started exploring if there is an easier way for nex time.