I’m trying to make a shelf with multiple racks which are divided in different sections.
Is it possible to refer to the nth copy of a component, for example every third copy has a different position than the others?
Sketchup file(probably overcoplicated):
Shelf.skp (2.6 MB)
In the Dynamic Components User Guide read about the Copy
attribute …
Not directly a response to your question, but looking at your model, this old thread might be of interest.
Long winded I know but I just feel as if there is a solution I’m missing.
I’ve perused and posted for a bit now here and I’m still being asked in my profession to create rough sketches of buildings to show as concept and also to evaluate re-modeling options. These buildings will always be warehouses. The nature of the warehouse business means thousands of orders a day which means a lot of repeatable things, like walls, workstations, and pallet racking!
In the beginning I would make one bay of…