Hi! I’m using the hexagon symbol to label furniture and when I have more than 1 line that fits inside the symbol a red arrow appears next to the hexagon. How do I get rid of the red arrow. I don’t want it printing on the plan.? Attached is the file.
Help please!! Thanks!!
Toni<img src=“//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/sketchup/original/2X/0/043a442a0f77db8935e476259f41a262da93ad4f.PNG” width=“305” height="18
That arrow won’t print. It’s an indication that the text box isn’t tall enough. Adjust the text box size and it’ll go away.
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I’m having same issue. Would it be possible that the red arrows could prevent export as PDF?
I would expect they’d cause a PDF not to export. I’ve seen cases where an export didn’t work because there were viewports needing to be rendered.
thx D.
I will redo those see what helps. Appreciate knowing the PDF exporter can be fussy. I spent an hour last night trying over and over and over…