Is it possible to recover an unsaved file after a sketch crash?
hello, yes it is, if you have autosaves activated.
recovered unsaved files will load on next sketchup startup. If not, it will also be shown on the welcome screen as “untitled”
If you chose to hide the welcome screen upon startup, go to window > preferences > general and tick “show welcome window” box to bring it back
Thank you, I have autosave activated
but it’s not there?
You may need to scroll down the list of recent files in the welcome window, to get to the recovered Untitled file.
Não consigo acessar meu arquivo sempre que vou abrir aparece a mensagem “unexpected file format” ja tentei renomear, já tentei mudar o backup e ja tentei abrir em outro computador com uma versão mais nova mas não consigo, tem algo a mais que eu possa fazer?
Can you upload the file somewhere so that I can take a look at it?
pode ser por email??
Can you give a link?
me manda o email que eu carrego o arquivo
mandei o link com o arquivo e o backaup
Thanks, I have the files.
Like with many of these problems, I have recovered the materials and components, but nothing in the scene. Hopefully you have some components that include large areas of the model.
Here is the recovered file:
I looked at the components, and maybe the one named restaurante - Vista 3D is most of the model?
Auto save on…
And no ability to recover…
Only a file
6 MAR 2022_PONTEVEL 2D 3D-0.tmp
Searching at C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp
bugsplat.log (1)
BugSplat.dll: 2022-03-06 06:46:10 Launching BsSndRpt.exe
BugSplat.dll: “BsSndRpt64.exe” /i “C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\BsSndRpt.ini” /dl
BsSndRpt.exe: 2022-03-06 06:46:10 AppKey: en-US
BsSndRpt.exe: 2022-03-06 06:46:10 MFA: SketchUp!003f43ab
BsSndRpt.exe: 2022-03-06 06:46:10 Additional file: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\SketchUpLog-2022-03-05-17_28_11.log
correct path for recovered files is there
%LocalAppData%\SketchUp\SketchUp 2020\SketchUp\working\SKETCHUP\RecoveredFiles
(for sketchup 2020 as your profile indicates)
Thank you
Just have in that folder a file named
6 MAR 2022_PONTEVEL 2D 3D-0.tmp
And not as supposed
6 MAR 2022_PONTEVEL 2D 3D.skp
Also I notice I have auto-save every 5 minutes…and sketchup 2020 pro, is not working properly and not create skp file unless I made a manual save.
hi. start by saying hi.
then, I don’t know, maybe add a sentence like “hey, can you help me with my file too please ?”
then, if you share a google drive link, make sure anyone has access. otherwise it’s not very useful.
and finish by saying thanks. it can’t hurt your chances of getting help .
(also, starting your own topic is usually better than just jumping on one from april 2021.)