Recover my old 3D Warehouse account

Few years ago I had a 3D warehouse account with a dozen of models. Today I wanted to upload a new model to my warehouse account but, at first, when I tried to log in with my google account it said the was no account associated with that email.

I was pretty sure the mail was correct, but I tried with two different email and got the same answer.
I tried a second time with my google account email and password and this time I correctly logged it, but in a brand new warehouse account with no models yet.

Is there any way I can recover my old account with the models? Somethink like view the account and have the password sent to my email?
Or, if that’s not possible, can I download the models of my old account and share them again with the new one?

Yes. Click on my name, and send me a private msg with those emails and i’ll take a look. Also, what kind of models (if you can remember). In our transition from Google, they would not release email addresses (a good thin for privacy), but if you logged in via Google, they would match you up with your account (for a certain time period). There are also two choices to sign in: Google or Trimble:

My old account on sketchup is below:
I forgot the login credentials, even email address. Please let me know how can I recover my old account?

@Barry Hello! I have the same problem. Is there anyway to assist in recovering old files?

Hi! I’m filling in for Barry on this topic, since it’s in my area. We don’t have a way to reset permissions on existing accounts. Here are some of the options we do have:

  1. If you have an old account with a small handful of models, I would recommend creating a new account, downloading the existing models and re-uploading them. It’s a pretty quick process.
  2. If you have and old account with a BUNCH of models, say a dozen or more, we can transfer models from an old account to a newly created account. We will verify ownership of both accounts and within 48 hours we can have them moved over.

It seems some items are missing that I know I uploaded previously. I used to have two accounts - one on each computer. When I try to log in on my old computer, it says that an account doesnt exist with that email.

If you have access to the account page of the models in question, and can paste the URL here I can learn more by looking at your user ID. It is a long string of letters and numbers included in the URL.

My old account not exists anymore, my credentials i forgot, how to delete it? And all these 3 models. Thanks!!

I have the same issue. I created a company page back in 2008 that is still working. Have not been able to log in to that account or remember what email was used to create it. I want to completely redo that company page with better logo, and brand new models. How can I get access to that account?

I see three different email addresses that could be you. I will send you a message with those addresses, and maybe one of them is the email you used in 2008.

I replied back on the email. If that email didn’t go through, the is my main account. But since I did the page for a company, I could’ve used an email with

Hi there!, i also have this issue cant acces my old account also cant find a way to send you a private message, is there any solution for this?

my old account was with this e mail…

Barry’s message from two years ago was at a time that he worked on a different team, and was in reply to a specific post. I don’t think he had in mind that future posters should send him a private message as well. But, I could give you his home phone number… (just kidding @Barry)

Your hotmail mail is not a Trimble ID, so if you have used that in the past, you may have used sign in with Google. But even then I ought to see the email in the system.

If you do use the hotmail email as a Google ID as well, try signing in with Google with that address, and then see if your models show up. If the sign in doesn’t get you through to the right account, check for any other email that you might have used.

I did check for other emails that might be the right one. Try your akamaruhuertas Gmail as a sign in.

Can someone help me to recover my old account?
This is my account:

I dont remember my email and login, I would apreaciate if there is a way to recover them.

What version of SketchUp are you using? Your profile says Version 9 and Free Plan. There is no Version 9.

I haven’t used sketchup for long. Last time I remebmer to use was online version of trimble.

Hello Barry

I can’t seem to find how to send you a PM.
My previous account was 3D Warehouse
I made some dynamic things I really miss and hope to get back.
My current account is also marjolein P. but I can’t find the link since I have no object.

Is it possible to recover my hard work please?
Thank you in advance for an answer