Re-opening my scenes

Hey guys.
I made some shots with the scenes in sketchup, used the section planes to cut the house. I had to close my work and after reopening my house model closed back up . I can see the saved scenes on the edge of my page, (please see screenshot) but my house is closed and I can’t see the cuts and the scenes. How can I reopen the house and see my scenes with animation without deleting the whole thing and starting over?

Please help, thank you very much.

Only a guess without seeing your SketchUp file. After turning on the section cuts you didn’t update the style associated with the scenes or update the scenes to show the sections. You can expose the section cuts and make them active again, then update the scenes making sure you also update the style.

BTW, your profile says you are using the free web version of SketchUp but you show SketchUp Pro. Please correct your forum profile.

Thank you Dave,

Every time I took a scene shot I updated the scenes for sure. Thats why I wasn’t worry about closing my work. I will try your suggestion and will let you know the results. Thank you for your time!!!

I am on the trial version of Sketchup Pro 2022

Share the .skp file so we can see what you are working with?

Have you disabled the Style warning related to creating and updating scenes?

I could see that in your screen shot. The trial of SketchUp 2022 Pro is not SketchUp Free (web).

Thank you I did not know about this. I will update.

I did not disable the warning. I’m still learning the program. Do I need to disable it?

No! Do not disable it.

Share the .skp file so we can see what you’ve got set up.

Dave I was trying to share my sketchup file but it’s too big. Can you please help me how to share it another way?

Upload it to DropBox or We Transfer and share the link.

I’ll look at it shortly after I fix a file for someone else.

It looks to me as if you’ve only saved the file with one section plane and it’s placed above the model. Its visibility was turned off in Outliner.

If there were other section planes they’ve been deleted or the file wasn’t saved after their creation.

I also notice incorrect tag usuage. ALL edges and faces should be created and remain untagged.
Screenshot - 8_26_2022 , 12_22_51 PM

It would also be a good idea to purge unused stuff from your model periodically.
Screenshot - 8_26_2022 , 12_27_46 PM

This reduced the file size by more than 68%. Some of the components in the model could stand to be put on a diet.

Is this for a school project? I’ve seen this general floor plan several times before.

Thank you Dave, Yes this is a school project for Interior Design Institute. I am very thankful for your help. Gosh what a great community!!!

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