Is there any way to use push/pull on a group of components,
on the axis of a section-cut (or similar)?
Right now I’ve made a sort of window-frame,
with joint-insets in the corners.
But the I’d like to make the whole window 10mm wider.
So, can I use some sort of push/pull without readjusting every individual edge,
just stretching from a center-cut?
Thanks for that, I understand the fredo scale tool and how it doesn’t change the scale (usually about center, but can be shifted to any point) I only mentioned the SU tool as it pertained to this specific post, where it was a simple frame with only the overall thickness of the frame changing. didn’t seem to have any internal components that would suffer?..however, I see I misread width as thickness…sorry.
I often forget to use the fredo box stretching to scale as I got into the habit of doing what you do (RTCool) and show hidden geometry and grab what I need and move it. The Fredo tool is a far better solution, but hard to break old habits. …and clearly must get into the habit of reading the question more thoroughly !
Fredo’s is very good, and free ! ( but as I said I have a hard time breaking old habits having been using SU since it was owned by @last software when workarounds had to be found- and before some of these new plugins became available). This also brings up other related posts as to why Sketchup hasn’t implemented some of these basic and better functioning tools like Fredo’s scale tools as part of its own software. They perform much better.
I believe only two partitions are available. You turn them on in a context right click menu after opening fredoscale. The ctrl key changes toggles the “from the middle” option which causes the second partition to appear. The tab key opens the input dialogue.