In the attached model, I try to pull this face to be 1.25" proud of the board that is perpendicular to it.
In the attached screenshot you can see that it is very slightly wrong.
I know that Sketchup rounds numbers… but I would expect that if I snap a face to be flush with that board, and then I push/pull it 1.25" away, that it would then be exactly 1.25" away.
The “board” is floating 1/2" away from the wall… the face of the board is just over 1.25" from the edge of the window… this looks to be the way the model was built.
It all depends on where you “anchore” the ‘Tape Measure’ tool on the wide board. You can find values of less than 1.25" and of more than 1.25" The geometry is not carefully created and that is a user fault.
I think you may be getting an inference from the edge of the adjacent stile, and SketchUp’s handling of small differences is forcing a snap to that distance instead of what you entered (the difference is only .000049", well below the snap tolerance). By carefully avoiding any inference to that stile, I got an exact result:
There is really no way to tell what you did in the past… I would suggest turning length snapping off and using dimensions rather than snapping when you move, draw or push pull.
The solution is to create your geometry with a board face parallel to the one you measure to. I felt like replying to help you out. If you don’t create parallel faces you will measure multiple possible values if you push one away from the other. What bothers you in my first reply?
Thank you for helping to investigate this. My issue is with the other object… but thank you for teaching me that such a small value is beyond Sketchup’s tolerance. That tells me that this is basically not fixable unless I remake these parts.
Everything was created with parallel faces to begin with. I was annoyed that you said the geometry was not carefully created when you have no information about that, in addition to the fact that you did not offer any helpful information towards a solution or cause, which is what I specifically requested.
Yes this is the “other object” I’m referring to. I drew it to a “regular” dimension. I had to adjust the room dimensions and changed everything by a certain, “regular” amount. Either snapping to objects or typing 1.25" in manually. When I went to snap this one I noticed that this was a very weird dimension, and then began investigating.
create a guide line parallel to the opposite face and offset from it by the exact required value.
pushpull the offending face back beyond the guide line
pushpull it back out until it snaps to the guide line
The result will be at exactly where you set the guide line.
Edit: and as @TheOnlyAaron suggested, turn off length snapping. It is quite often responsible for tiny errors that then propagate all over model. It does what it says: snaps the new end of a line to an exact length from the starting end. It does not snap to a grid, so if the other end was inaccurate, so will the new end be!
@slbaumgartner, don’t you get different values around 1.25" when measuring the distance between both faces (wide board face and stile face) ?
In the lower region I get less than 1.25"
At the top I get more than 1.25"
All measured and thereby locked perpendicular to the large face.
Here’s an animation of me getting an exact value using the method I described. A possible difference may be whether you stopped dragging the first pushpull before clicking again and dragging it back out to the guide line.
At least one of your problems is that surfaces A & B are not parallel to each other so you will get different results depending where you take your measurements from:
I was suspecting they might not be parallel, but I was having trouble fixing it as all my solutions kept ending up with still wrong numbers. Also if they were out of parallel, I would suspect that @slbaumgartner’s solution wouldn’t have worked