I have a simple 3D object. The front faces are green and red. When I push back the green face, the 2D shapes stays. When I push back the red face, the 2D shape disappears. Why? What is the difference between the two shapes, one with green second with red surface?
Did you happen to look at the opposite side. The back side of the green has no face while the red does. When you push the red face back, it’s just like pushing an opening such as a window while pushing the green is like moving the face back.
When I started with SketchUp years ago, I was kind of stunned by the simplicity and quick learning curve, and so didn’t bother taking a course or even reading any user guide etc. I was only looking forward and managed to do all I needed for my drawings. Only recently, when encountering problems that students have I sometimes realise how much time I would have saved if I had only looked at the opposite side!