Purchasing issues

My pro version has been order via third party and ive been sent an email from Trimble with an order number to access my purchase

Dispite several emails to sketch up i’m unable to speak or get a responce from anyone on how to download my purchase, it just keep asking for my credit card

can anyone point me in the right direction

Go to Download All | SketchUp and download it from there.

if a subscription license you can administer your license via the Account Management Portal by using your email address registered for the concerning Trimble ID.

I registered and set the account up

But it tells me nothing on the plans or payment history there’s nothing there and no buttons to add anything

Who is the “third party” you purchased the license through? Maybe you need to contact them and make sure they used your correct e-mail.

Thanks Dave

I think they must have as Trimble sent me the code to use and telling me that the purchase has been made

I’ve tried to contact Trimble/sketchUp for help to no avail

Is the third party an authorized reseller? Have you contacted them?

When did you try contacting Trimble?

Yes I’ve tried contact trimble,SketchUp everything seems to be done via message/email nobody comes back to me must have sent a dozen email since last Friday

Previous company i paid for it direct and got the download straight away every thing was fine used it for years
New company purchasing is done via a global solution

Well, after Friday comes the weekend and Trimble gives its employees weekends off to be with their families and such. As I type, it is not quite 6 am in Colorado where their customer support is located so it’s unlikely they have been in the office. I’m sure that once they do get in and get through the e-mails ahead of yours, they will be in touch. Be patient.


SketchUp encourage us not to work on weekends, but that doesn’t stop requests from coming in. I see the one from you, that came in today at 4:38am our time. That’s in the customer service queue, I have a different queue that I work through.

Still, I took a peek at it, and I can see that your subscription has not been assigned to you. If you sign into this page:


and select Members from the left, and can then Assign User, you can solve the problem on your own, just assign the subscription to yourself.

If you don’t have that option then your reseller will need to be the one that assigns the subscription.

Either way, once you are listed in the members list on that page, you then open SketchUp on your desktop and sign into that same email account, and things should work ok.