Working on my rendering skills and trying to create some custom context background files.
I have a cool image of the Teton mountain range and I want to use that as the background for my rendering. I am having trouble projecting my cropped/cut out image onto my curved surface. It seems to only project the original non cropped image.
The reason I want the cropped image is because it will allow me to blend in an HDRI background in V-ray more effectively.
Any ideas of workarounds to complete this? Model attached for reference.
Projecting the image will result in distortion here. Think about the kind of distortion you’d get if you set up a projector at an angle to a wall or screen. Simply painting the image onto the curved surface won’t result in the trimmed top.
I made a copy of your cutout shape and painted it with the default material. Then I used True Bend to bend it. After that I applied the material to it without using Projection.
FWIW, I made an example showing the distortion of projecting a texture. In this case I set the texture on the small rectangle on the left to be projected. Then I sampled it and applied it to the angled rectangle in the background which I then copied and rotated to allign with the axis.