Program crash every time I close it

I´ve recently updated to the latest version of Sketch Up 2017 PRO. Every time I want to close it (even if documents are separately saved and closed first) the program stops answering, it akes around 80% of my processor, and everytime I end up having to force it to close. What is happening? I´ve never had this problem before. Seems to happen with every kind of model.

This typically sounds like a plugin issue. What plugins do you have installed? Also, does SketchUp crash (closes, possibly with a bugsplat dialog) or freeze (becomes unresponsive)?

It freezes when closing, but I also have more crasches (with the bugsplat dialog) than normal.

I have these plugins (some of yours :slight_smile: )
(Have to send them in two different messages)

Also when I start sketchup it starts with a few seconds of black window. I have never seen that before either so maybe it’s all from the same pluginproblem?

more extensions:

There’s no plugin on the list that stands out to me. I have never tried Podium, Safe Frame Tools, Artisan nor SectionCutFace myself though so I don’t know how well these works. In my experience bugsplat on close is typically associated with plugins with complex observers (the plugin automatically reacting to changes made in the model) but I can’t say for sure it’s the case this time.

The black window is typically caused by a plugin calling an external command line based script/program for a certain task, maybe authorization. I don’t think this has anything to do with the bugsplats per se but it indicates that the plugin isn’t very polished so to speak.

Thank you very much for your help and this explanation.
I might try to deactivate a few of the plugins and see if it solves the problem. As they are not all needed för every project that might be ok. Maybe somebody else reading this topic recognise the problematic plugin, that could save some time.
Have a great day! :slight_smile:

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