Did you fill in your identifying information on the BugSplat window and then submit it to Trimble? If so, one of the staff there can look up the report and give you a diagnosis of what caused the crash.
Have you updated the drivers for your Graphics Card ?
When you installed SketchUp 2017 did you do it in the proper way ?
You must do it like this…
Find the installer’s exe file [probably in your Downloads folder?].
Select it, right-click > context-menu > Run as administrator…
This will ensure that it is installed correctly.
Having administrator powers is NOT the same thing as running it properly - double-clicking on the exe or choosing ‘Run’ from the context-menu will not install SketchUp in the right manner.
Because you have SketchUp 2017 installed you can re-run the installer and choose the ‘Repair’ option when it is offered to you, this ought to correct the installation errors, without the necessity of uninstalling it and then reinstalling it…
If you have v2017 already installed and then reinstall using ‘Run as administrator’ - then it should ask you if you want to ‘Repair’ the installation, say ‘Yes’…
That should fix it…
Have a look at your openGL settings in SketchUp; Window-preferences-openGL-Graphic Card details.
You’re 100% sure SketchUp is using the GTX chip and not the embedded HD4600?
Wildly guessing here but have you tried changing the ‘multisample anti-aliasing’ values in the openGL settings?
The same for enabling/disabling the ‘fast feedback’ ?
Its just guessing but these are easy to check and maybe you’re lucky…
Edit: also - did you already install plugins in SketchUp? If so - give a try without them.
Just try changing the settings. If you’re lucky some combination won’t make your SketchUp crash anymore. For more info see here: Improving Performance | SketchUp Help
The strangest and funniest is that SU2016 is running perfectly and not having these strange problems … in fact, since I installed it, I do not remember having a single crash or bug splat even working with licensed plugins like vRay etc…etc…
If you are talking about “NVIDIA control panel” yes i “gave orders” that SU2017 work with GTX 870M graphic card insted of Intel HD4600 onboard graphics card.