I couldn’t agree with you more. Your reply was perhaps directed to someone else.
Sorry Anssi. Will correct.
I didn’t come her to get into a pissing contest with any other user, just to sound my disappointment with SU’s latest update and try and see if I was missing something on my end. That said… As a parent, I didn’t need a psychiatrist degree to know when my children were exhibiting childish behavior. Dave R accused me of “attacking” him, when I purposefully made sure not to. After I let him know that I never attacked him but was directing my anger at SU he deleted all of his posts. Seems childish to me. Disclaimer: not a clinical diagnosis, as I am not a licensed psychiatrist.
OK, please see my other post. You could significantly improve your workflow and quality by using SKP + LO regardless of how or if this is a bug or it gets fixed.
I have the same problems. I print directly from Sketch-up as the quality was better than using layout. The ultra high definition setting and ability to choose image sizes made for really high quality images using the basic sketch-up package. Now the images are very poor with more black outline than shape. My main client has hundreds of images they use for advertising and their client liaison, produced from the previous version of sketch-up with the much better printing facilities. Now all I can produce is much less refined. It is a bit of a disaster for me and my main client.
Can I restore the previous printing facilities? Can I go back to the previous version with the better printing?
I don’t use layout because it is another stage in the production process and the quality of images has never been as good as printing directly from sketch-up…until now, when they are both not as good as they could be.
Can anyone help me get back to how it was with Ultra high definition and all the other settings before the ‘update’?
Until SU sees the error of their ways and adds it back, I am having to open it up in SU2022 to print it. Sucks but seems like the quickest way to print from SU.
With all due respect, you clearly do not understand how the relationship between SU and LO work. Once you do, you will look back on this thread with a little humility and hopefully an apology to Dave.
With all do respect, I understand more than you imagine. While I like the way your plans are done, but some of the industry still uses AutoCad for plans and SU for modeling. When I model I set scenes and then print the scenes to show the client. Once approved, I send it off for a rendering to be completed. I know my work flow and what works for me. As far as apologizing to Dave, that will never happen because I didn’t do anything wrong towards him. I only corrected his misconstrued accusation that I was attacking him. As far as I am concerned, he should have apologized to me, but I won’t lose sleep over it.
Maybe with SU, but the fact that you think each scene in SU needs to be exported to LO is pretty telling.
I think if you explored it more you would find SU and LO are much more capable than a SU and ACAD process. I used to do it that way also. Digging in deeper I cut my documentation time down to a third of what it took in ACAD.
As for Dave, he is an awesome resource here providing countless hours of his free time to help. It’s a shame you’ve basically eliminated that possibility for your workflow.
Best of luck to you with your process. Maybe just give it a try and listen to some of the really good suggestions in this thread….or don’t.
And this would be perfect use for LayOut, as I described above. Setup a standard template in SU that has whatever views you usually use - 3d, perspective, elevations with the styles, etc.
Then key that to a LO file - all pages already setup based on the SKP model - scenes already set to each page, all at consistent scale for anything not in perspective, adjust the line weights so it looks good at your chosen print size, etc.
Your LO file might have 2,3,4,30 pages - whatever you need. Add a title block to every page if you want with your firm’s logo, contact information and client name and you can also title the sheets ‘perspective view front, west elevation, etc.’ Save this as a template.
Once this is setup you do your work in the SKP template with the scenes already setup. Save it. Send to Layout… pick your schematic design presentation template, fill in some text, export to PDF in high quality, or to JPGs if you want. Send to client.
Honestly once I have the modeling done it takes me more time to type this reply than to ‘send to layout’, add client name, export and email.
I’m finding this issue also.
I’ve reverted to SU22 and LO22.
Also an issue with Keyframe animation.
First time SU have let me down.
No offence, but ignoring good advice can also be explained as “childish behavour”…
And coming onto a forum with no other purpose than to troll, or “one up”, someone is pretty childish behavior as well. As I said not wanting to get into a pissing contest. But thanks for your contribution to my original question.
Why did you start it then? No one before you called anyone a “narcissist” or “childish” in this thread.
Bless your heart. I never started anything. I replied to Dave R who said I was attacking him. After I told him I didn’t attack him, he deleted all of his posts. That’s it. Thanks for your contribution to my original question.
Thanks Mike. You are one of the few people that gave actual instruction for a work around. I have since watched videos on the process.
That said, for the way I use SU, nothing in this thread, so far, is faster than hitting ctrl+p selecting my printer (Adobe PDF), selecting the scenes and hitting print.
I understand that lots of people like LO, and I have no beef with it as I have used it for other projects, but I just want to print some scenes quickly. If I create a word document, it would make no sense to save it as a PDF so that I can then go and open the PDF to print the pages I originally created in Word. I just don’t know why those at SU would dumb down the ability to print at a higher quality from SU.
But I do appreciate your feedback.
Specifically for what the OP does with previous versions – I’m not certain that it can be done exactly as you describe…?
If I understand the OP – if I have a beautiful model, the SU file may have different scene views from another beautiful model of another project.
This can’t necessarily be done with standardised templates in Layout – no ? yes ?
Just thinking aloud…
As I understand it - OP gets CAD files and then models. If OP used a standardized SU template to start modeling with scenes already made from a ‘test’ model, and these scenes were keyed to a LO file, it would work a treat. And I think it would yield better results and look more professional (with logo, titles, etc) than just printing out of SKP. But OP works on custom homes, so apparently this works for him. My custom clients don’t work that way and image is everything, so I take the extra step of sending to LO…
LO doesn’t care what the model is, only that the scene names match up to the pages you’ve already setup. They could be 1,2,3,4,5 or Front Elevation, Section 1, Plan - it’s doesn’t matter.
And if the model is already done and doesn’t match the scenes you can rename the scenes to match your LO file.
Or as I do when I occasionally get models started by clients - I copy them into my template, maybe fix a few tags, Page down and up through my prebuilt scenes, maybe zooming to extents or adjusting a few, then ‘send to layout’ to my schematic design template where I have all the pages pre-built with scenes, titles, etc. then I just toggle off all the logos (from my other clients), and export.
The trick with the OP is that they do this all the time. So they could build the templates for the next job and be good to go…
ah – I think I get you now
I don’t use Layout and am running Sketchup Go. I have always had an issue printing to PDF. Prints always come out blurry when printing to 18 x 24. I haven’t found a resolve for this so far.