Thank you so much for your work on this.
It is funny how things change. Some years ago there would have been many posts about this issue immediately after release. Now, I find that it is at least a year since I last printed something work-related on an actual printer. All our output goes as PDF files to cloud services where the recipients who need paper print them out themselves or have them printed.
I remember back in the 70s “they” said computers would drastically reduce paper usage. Then someone invented inexpensive printers.
I haven’t had a printer connected to my computers for better than 10 years. I almost never need anything printed for my work and when I do, it’s on larger paper than I’d have a printer for so I let someone else print it. Cheaper to let them maintain the big printers, too.
We print shop prints everyday for our cutters and welders to build the product. Printing is a very important feature to us.
We entered the details for the bug report today, and given the extra difficulty in doing print tests, I uploaded this photo to show the problem.
I too am experiencing this problem with Layout:
When I print drawings or documents in layout they are now no longer centred on the page. I have not adjusted anything on the template or printer set-up and everything, using any other program, prints perfectly.
A4 appears to have shifted down and to the right (portrait) and A3 down (landscape).
Add to that - object snap is snapping to points in space and not to objects
I have to export to PDF and then print right now. I changed settings in the printer and drivers to see if there is any change but it is a problem with the current version of LayOut.
Also, my tests that showed the same thing were on an entirely different setup and printer. It really is something that needs to be fixed in LayOut 2020.2.
High all,
Just adding that I am experiencing the same issue.
Didn’t notice it until now as I mostly print to PDF.
Thanks for looking into is Sketchup Team.
Hi all,
Just an update that we are actively working on a fix for this issue.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
With the new release of Sketchup 2021 are we going to see a fix on this issue for the 2020 software? I use and own the 2020 and now would have to move to a subscription in order to have this fixed from what it looks like. Is that the case?
Unfortunately we typically do not back-port bug fixes for previous versions of SketchUp or LayOut. The good news is that we have addressed this issue for the 2021.0 version of LayOut.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
The newest version of SU2020 is at best a work around when I need to print? I have moved up to the 2021 version but to leave a product that is paid for as a limp along version. Having to use work arounds for an expected feature on a product like this is troubling.