Preferred Site Import Method: PDF importer or CAD Import?

was wondering if folks had strong preferences/endorsements on importing site survey (with contours/topography, etc) as .dwg (whereby one loses text) vs importing as a vector pdf using the PDF importer extension? I usually generate a mesh for the topography via toposhaper…but in many ways I prefer to keep all the notes and text that my surveyor has entered. Thanks in advance for any thoughts and advice!

I understand that it is also possible to import the DWG into Trimble Connect and to save it from there to TRB that then can be imported into SketchUp. It might preserve the annotations.

@MikeWayzovski is the TC guru here, he might set you on track.

Generally, PDF loses some accuracy compared to DWG.


If you want the annotations, upload the .DWG to, open it in the 3D viewer and than download as TrimBIM format.:


Import that into SKetchUp (2023 and higher)

If you have Windows, check these posts:


got it thanks @MikeWayzovski