Poll: Which Scandinavian project should we live model?

Can you give us a hand? Eric just got back from a seminar put on by the Holygon folks in Sweden, and while he was there he came across some particularly interesting projects in Denmark.

They’re all so cool–we couldn’t pick which one to model on SketchUp Live this week. That’s where YOU come in! Which one would you like to see Eric model on Friday?

Your rainbow panorama – Olafur Eliasson

Maritime Youth House – PLOT

Mountain Dwellings – PLOT

  • Your rainbow panorama – Olafur Eliasson
  • Maritime Youth House – PLOT
  • Mountain Dwellings – PLOT

0 voters

Let us know, and watch live on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.


Thanks Matt for plug. Curious which way this will go…no wrong answers though…all of them are so cool!

Based on the votes so far, it looks like we are leaning toward the geometry most likely to make you cry.


Match Photo only



I’m now beginning to regret offering that Maritime Youth House as an option…going to need to really think through how to do this in 2 hours or less :confused:

It’ll be a perfect opportunity to demo non tiled textures on multiple unique components.

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Hi Eric, you will have work to do on this project (‘Maritime Youth House’) for sure, but I think a useful tutorial will come out. Good luck and thanks in advance for your effort!

hehe it looks like we are all going to have a go.

I was going to give it a try tommorrow. but it looks like you’ve already made good progress

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I have barely inserted, scaled and positioned only a third of the sections and facades.

That’s a 3rd more progress than me

I got as far as counting the number of boxes in the grid(vertically only) and thinking about it

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I will have to check the dimensions at least once, because I started from one of the doors, which I considered to be 90 cm, but it was too unclear and probably resulted in a plan that is still not scaled to the actual dimensions.

If @mihai.s says it’s a lot of work then I’m in really big trouble!

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Eric, do you intend to use extensions or will you try to draw only with the tools available in SketchUp for Web?

Next… stairs!

If you need, I found these dimensions for the construction and they correspond to the measurement made in Google Maps … 50,0 x 32,5 m.



So we actually ran the poll both here on the Forum and on YouTube. I’ll let @matt_robison or @TheOnlyAaron share the final numbers today but it was actually looking like Mountain was winning via YouTube…Good times either way!

It’s okay, Eric, whichever one you’ll model, there will be things to learn and it will be relaxing to watch.

And on this occasion I practiced a little more.

Port area


It’s like I’m back there :wink:

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I’m on your side @eric-s
pst. Just do the easy part today and hand it over to @TheOnlyAaron to model the rest next week :grin: