PNGs are jagged with black border around each object

Doesn’t do this in 2016. Have anti alias checked and transparent background checked. Image export is 7000x 3000 at 300 dpi. Looks fine on my older macbook pro 2011 exported out of SU pro 2016. I have the newest Kaby Lake MacBook pro running Sierra. Latest version of SU 2017. Any ideas?

Make sure you updated graphics card drivers.

How do they look when you zoomed in?

Thanks for your reply. I’m on a Mac, how would I update the card drivers as my machine is brand new and the latest MacBook pro from Apple.

They look jagged and outlined in black. Terrible. unaliased although alias is selected.

It is a known bug that affects Macs with some graphics cards, discussed in a long thread when SU 2017 was released. A workaround that might help is to turn the background colour to something that won’t translate into transparent in a PNG as pure white does (1% grey, for instance). Do JPG:s work OK?

This is a known bug which was fixed, but is introduced again with the latest MacBook Pro :frowning:
Problem also happens in Layout with raster rendering and transparent background.
I’ve already reported this bug to the SketchUp team.

Thanks Anssi and Guy. What a bummer. I’ll look for an update though.

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