PNG image not clear

I took a picture of a hand sketch with my phone, then converted it to a png file. And after importing it into Sketchup it is very clear. But when I view the scene in Layout the writing is fuzzy, and not clear. The only way it becomes close to clear is if the drawing scale is increased to such a large factor, it won’t fit within the boundary of the 24x36 sheet size.

Anyone have the same issue?

Never mind, I found where to change the image resolution under the Document Setup menu…


To be clear: The Edit Resolution effects how things are displayed on your screen while working, it is often advantageous to leave these set to medium or low depending on the complexity, size and number of your images and viewports to keep Layout quick, snappy and responsive while working. These do not effect how the images look in the final output.

Output Resolution is the choice of how detailed to render the image / viewport in the final document when exporting. This choice is only executed when exporting and effects the resulting documents quality and size.