Plugins for modeling complex streets?

someone knows some plugins for street modeling other than Instant Road. Something more similar to Civil CAD.

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How complex are your models? I use Civil 3d to do automatic parcel, but its functions for streets are very complex. I can tell you there is nothing you can not do with Instant Road.

I’m curious about the same question. I agree that Instant Road is a great plugin, but I would prefer to find something free…

thanks for the feedback. I really am very detail-oriented with modeling. I used the instant road a lot, but whenever the streets were more complex I had problems. We have some jobs that simulate the creation of new streets. So we need to have a little more precision. Like slopes of the street bed and proportions of cuts and embankments.

You’re right. To determine the slope of road sides, and the height of the street axis on the ground, instant road is not indicated. Have you been successful with C3D?
We could ask Vali Architects to implement the function of defining the elevation of the streets by a 2d longitudinal profile.

Exact. I just had a cursory introduction to the program. But I’m curious to go any further. In a recent work, we developed a new allotment together with a team that dominated the Cad Civil app. With the planialtimétrico survey of the land and the design of the streets and lots, they generated the slopes of the streets and the resulting landfills and cuts. It was a four-handed job. When the street slope was very forced we had to change the design of the block in design. The resulting 3d model was exported to sketchup, where we were able to model it very real. It was exactly that kind of rework I want to avoid. Now, you had a great idea, if the developers of Vali Architects add this function to the plugin would be perfect. Sometimes I tried to contribute ideas with contact with them. But I was not successful. Maybe because my English is terrible. Thanks for the cooperation, let’s take this idea forward?

Agora que vi que és brasileiro pow! Esse é o meu contato do whatsaap (48)999786635 vamos trocar uma ideia.

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