There appear to be a few older threads for the GPU not being used error.
“Warning: SketchUp has detected you are using a “Intel(R) HD Graphics 520” graphics card when your system is capable of using an AMD or NVIDIA graphics card. SketchUp will likely perform better if you change your system to use the AMD or NVIDIA card.”
As of Oct 2021 it appears Windows does not let NVIDIA select what uses the GPU.
Thanks Dan, but here is an odd one. I confirmed my GPU runs. Turns out panning is enough compared to just starting the program. Odd thing is I just checked my graphics setting and it still points to the CPU.
I am not sure when windows 10 took control GPU allocation away from NVIDIA’s control panel or setting up but maybe SU code hasn’t caught up to their change. Thanks again, back to work I go!
The 1st image you showed in the 1st post is showing Nvidia Control panel’s Global Settings tab.
Is SketchUp set to something on the Program Settings tab ?
Usually the Global Settings should be enough. Of course, in Application settings you can override the global setting.
Are you using an external monitor? Are you connecting one through a “dock”? Some of these refuse to let Nvidia graphics through.