After the recent update of 3D Warehouse, I found that some models could not be downloaded before, and the interface of the new version is very inconvenient for most of our users, and the model that was successfully displayed in the old version was fine, why the new version cannot be 3D Viewed and cannot be downloaded There is a model error. In this case, it is better to use the old version of 3D Warehouse. Can your official Trimble change the 3D Warehouse back to the old version? The new interface makes it very inconvenient for me.

最近3D Warehouse更新後就發現之前有些模型無法下載,而且新版介面對我們大部分的使用者很不方便,而且本來在舊版彩現成功模型的好好的為甚麼到了新版就變成不能3D View且不能下載出現模型錯誤,這樣情況還不如用舊版3D Warehouse比較好,麻煩Trimble官方把3D Warehouse改回舊版好嗎?新版介面讓我很不方便。謝謝