I have created my house plan, along with some windows. I created a window and made it a Group. My window glass is “Translucent Glass Blue” The house has “Cladding Siding”.
When I place my window on the house, it shows the siding through the glass. The outside framing on the window is also offset 7/8ths from the glass.
Is this because I did not make the outside walls of my house as one Group?
It’s hard to say exactly what you missed. The window component needs to be set up to cut an opening and you need to add that component onto a face, not a group or component. If you share the .skp file I expect we can help you get it sorted in short order.
What version of sketchup are you using? Please complete your forum profile.
I’m using Sketchup Pro 2018 Trial Version. This might be one of those posts where it could be listed under “What Not To Do In Sketchup”. As you can see that my model is a complete mess and have only been using it for a week or so. I’m still trying to get a handle on the tools and creating Groups and Components. As you can see by my interior everything is sunk into the walls. That’s another lesson that I need to learn from the Sketchup Community and Videos. Aaron" TheOnlyAaron" Moderator has great videos that I am watching.
The window on the opposite side of the house is also an issue. I ended up just putting a window blind on it to make it look ok. I found that my wall is actually out by 7/8ths. Probably because I clicked on the wrong edge.
I plan on starting again from scratch. This one is just a practice house. I tried to upload my file but it says it’s too large. 59 Megabytes.
I was able to load this file. This is when I just started building the house. I tried to add the window to the same wall. Looks like the glass is still showing the siding. Even though the frame is showing on the other side of the wall.