Paid subscription - no software to use

I paid for a subscription and have no access to the pro software. Sketchup issued a renewal date based on my payment but hasn’t made the product available. Am I missing something? I use autodesk and adobe subscriptions and it’s instantaneous. The disconnect is unacceptable.

You may have more than one problem going on. For the activation of your account you ran into some password issues. I will send you a password reset email, but when you create a new password, try to make it not too complicated. There have been problems in the past when using too many special characters.

For getting the installer, you can use this link to immediately get the Mac disk image:

Download and mount that image, then copy the SketchUp 2021 folder to your Applications folder.

Go through the reset password steps, and test if that has worked by going to, to see if you can successfully sign in. After that, open SketchUp and use the same sign in email and password that had worked on the web site.

I made a slight mistake, and resent the account activation email, as well as the password reset email. Just use the password reset email.