I use the Outliner extensively in my work to help me stay organized in larger complex mechanical models with lots of nested assemblies. With three screens at my desk setup it is generally not a problem to find room for the Outliner window on the side. However when on the road with just my laptop it is a challenge. I have long wished for a simple UI trick that is used in other modeling software of printing the model hierarchy in text as a transparent overlay above the model space off to one side. After years of hoping it would appear, I finally dug in and wrote one myself. I am not a programmer at all, I have zero experience coding, and I can’t speak a word of Ruby, but after much trial and error and help I have a working version that does what I want and serves me in my work. Even a blind chicken gets the corn once in a while.
I have been using this for a while now and had not contemplated releasing the extension ever. I made it only for my own workflow and I have no opinion whatsoever of my coding skills. However, after the recent Basecamp in Las Vegas where quite a few other sketchuppers saw and were interested in trying the script I have decided to share it here. I’m happy to think it might be of some use to others. I call it OutFront because it puts the Outliner in Front of the model.
WARNING: I am NOT a developer. This script works great on my Mac with SU24, it is untested on any other machine, version, or OS. This script leverages the Overlay feature so requires at least SU23 No Warranty. Use at your own risk!
How it works:
With the Overlay activated all objects in the current context are listed in text on the left side of the screen on top of the model space.
Components are listed by name.
Groups are listed as Group by default, unless given an instance name, then by name.
Items are listed in alphabetical order.
Raw Geometry is ignored
Items not in current context (nested) are not listed unless selected
Unlike the Outliner, multiple instances of a given component are not listed as separate line items, instead, the number of instances is appended to the component name in parentheses. Example (24)
Any object currently selected is listed in blue text.
When selected, the tag associated with the component or group appears to the right of the name. Default is [layer0].
When selected, an objects hierarchy is automatically unpacked to the next level down and nested objects listed below the parent with indents.
If a component or group is opened for editing: OutFront shows the current context only, starting with the parent component being edited and listing the levels of nesting with increasing indents to indicate what is contained in what. The hierarchy back up to the top level is always maintained in any open context.
If multiple items are selected they each will be blue and each will have it’s contents unpacked to the next deeper level.
Objects in current context but currently hidden are listed in grey text.
If hidden by tag visibility the name is grey.
If hidden using hide the name is grey with two asterisks appended to the front of the name.
Items that are locked appear in red text. They are still selectable.
Section Cuts appear in orange text, Any active cut has the word “Active” after the section name.
Known Limitations:
This list is not “clickable” like the Outliner is, items cannot be selected by clicking on the name. ( I might have a rough version that could be clickable but it’s not working well yet).
Intentionaly not listing component instances multiple times, and only listing the current context when editing helps keep the list compact. However there is no wrapping function for the length of the list, if the list is very long it will go beyond the bottom of the screen this might occur with “select all”, which unpacks every selected item simultaneously.
??? I am sure there are other limitations I have not considered. I use this extension daily and have for some time but it is by definition specifically built for my workflow so I have no doubt others might find new problems. Please let me know in this thread.
Happy SketchUpping.
EDIT: Scroll Down for Version Updates
OutFront 3.2.rbz (2.9 KB)