Hi Community
I am trying to open DWGs from a 2003 Autodesk Architectural Desktop 3.3 project using a trial version of 2014 Sketchup Pro (Vista Operating System)
Unfortunately the computer tells me
“This does not appear to be s SketchUp model!”
The files are not corrupt, I can still open them in the old program…
Is it because the version of SketchUp is in Evaluation mode perhaps?
Any advice on how to convert old DWGs into something better much appreciated -)
If your AutoCad Architecture (formerly Architectural Desktop) files have actual architectural objects created with the application’s special tools (walls, doors, roofs etc) that you want to bring into SketchUp, you will need to use the “Export to AutoCad” function to create a file that has them converted into standard AutoCad 2D or 3D objects. Performing the command from a plan view creates a 2D file and doing it from a 3D view creates a 3D file. AutoCad AEC objects are only directly accessible to the Autodesk application that created them.